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26 Aug 2017 17:05:40
Enjoy lads, have a good evening with a few tinnies. Really really good performance, so many contenders for man of the match, merino for me. Everyone put in 100% very proud.

Mitro though summing up why he's obviously behind Joselu in the pecking order, could have easily screwed us over.

Ironic thing is Ashley could now be thinking we don't need any more players, perfect chance now for us to keep the morale and confidence up with a few good signings

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26 Aug 2017 18:52:20
Merinio top player rest of tbe team did well
Diame Perez Elliot simply not PL and yes we still need a quality striker

Ashley no to any other signings (I believe we are working on 3) Rafa could well walk come Mid October

Onwards and Upwards keep it up next 6 games 8/ 9 points I think anyway.

26 Aug 2017 18:58:40
Argentine International left-back Nicolas Tagliafico, from Independte linked
Could be a good signing then get a keeper and we could be sorted in defence.

26 Aug 2017 19:45:46
Let Rafa as long as we have him play the team he wants, but yes we have 2/ 3 players not up to it
and if we sign this LB it will help
Merinio shows he can fill a gap
We have the winģers we need another striker who can head a ball
Joselu and Mitro also have a job to play.

26 Aug 2017 20:30:27
Looks like we've found Shelvey's competition in Merino and I agree basically we need direct replacements for Elliot, Lazaro, Diame and Riviere

Looks like colback is finally going although he puts 100% in he's simply not good enough, Sunderland can have him back if they want.

17 Aug 2017 11:09:38
On the subject of Strikers it is said
Rafa having to look at the bargain basement end of the transfer market (signing Joselu for £5m whilst Championship club Middlesbrough pay £15m for a striker), it would indeed be a miracle if Rafa did get Newcastle to mid-table, never mind a European place

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21 Aug 2017 11:21:37
This team wouln't make mid table championship.

21 Aug 2017 20:40:59
Des the enormity of Benitez job is unbelievable
We sign the players we need which I think is minimum 3 or we will be in the bottom 4 all season.

16 Aug 2017 15:53:06
Why did we not get Rodrieguez from PSG on loan Stoke did

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14 Aug 2017 11:54:18
Joselu due for medical

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13 Aug 2017 12:47:31
Perez now 20m could have been bought for 13m.Omce agsin trepidation and poor negotiation
WILTSHIRE for Newcastle never

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09 Aug 2017 22:41:39
Mirror saying we've got Kenedy on loan, is this another option as a winger or is he for left back where he played occassionally under mourinho?

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12 Aug 2017 19:23:19
Absolutley hopeless they reported we had also singed Ings.

12 Aug 2017 23:26:54
Haha football focus even had him on our "ins" and he was on Chelsea's bench.

08 Aug 2017 14:48:42
Ashley has to wake up and support his world-class manager before he wakes up one morning and Rafa Benitez is no longer his manager

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08 Aug 2017 18:33:47
It's weird to think that when we were under pardew, almost every fan wanted him out and there was such dire and toxic atmosphere in the stadium and even in the city as a whole, and it seemed like Ashley just wanted to keep him. but now we've actually got a manager that has brought us more together, a manager that everyone loves, it seems like Ashley is doing everything to ruin it and push him away. Rafa arguably one of the best things that's ever happened to this club, and there is so much potential under him it's unreal. It baffles me why Ashley doesn't want to be part of that.

{Ed001's Note - because Rafa likes to spend money maybe?}

09 Aug 2017 02:15:33
Rafa knows he has a relagation battle on his hands and it is a disgrace because it will happen
Panic befote the window closes
40m has already been revceived from tv money and with total 170m Ashley does not give s sch itt.

06 Aug 2017 21:15:48
Players look fit, strong, and hungry and ready for the new season, but worried about where the goals are going to come from.

Guaranteed goal scorer before spurs game please.

Other than that, looking forward to the new season

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07 Aug 2017 09:17:47
Simply a Striker and LB (we have had a stop gap for ages) and yes a strong tackling able to win and pass a ball DMF which we have back up for
Finally the goalkeeping situation needs sorting once and for all
Then we have some sort of chance.

04 Aug 2017 22:14:39
This is becoming a joke now some of players being linked with not better than what we already have and were struggling to sign them were going to have a long hard slog next season hope we stay up does ashley really care if we go down starting to think not still see rafa walking unless we get off to good start

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04 Aug 2017 13:48:29
Another derisory offer for Stokes out of favour striker
ASHLEY you are a disgrace!
From a good source clubs do not want to deal with Ashley and know Charnley is his puppet

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04 Aug 2017 14:57:33
Seems someone told Ashley the reality and we have entered into talks for Joselu.

01 Aug 2017 22:14:03
Gayle, mitrovic, Perez, riviere. Rafa trying to get riviere moved on (should happen this week) . That leave's 3 recognised strikers. Surely we can't go into the season with that.

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02 Aug 2017 16:47:24
There will be another striker bought in.

04 Aug 2017 14:58:53
Absolutely correct if he is cheap enough
Rafa sticking with players he knows.

31 Jul 2017 12:04:35
Hi Des Digger lookibg forward to our PL campaign?

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01 Aug 2017 08:26:13
Vida - I am quietly confident we will struggle. Relying on other teams to keep us up.

Ritchie 3 goals last time in the prem

Gayle 10

Perez 6

Mitro 10

Thats 29 goals maybe another 20 collectively from the team.

We need to keep clean sheets. Not sure if we have the capability to manage 8.

Goals win games, clean sheets get points.

Rafa is a great coach. But the squad is arguably weaker since we were last in the Prem.

If we had a real leader at the back Shawcross or a 15 goal striker I would feel better.

All the signings show potential, but Raffa doesn't have a 100% record with transfers.

I am sure Rafa will figure out a system to get the most out of what he has got. But I don't expect miracles.

01 Aug 2017 11:18:28
Agree with the above des, only difference I see this time is obviously a better manager and a group of players who want to play and work for each other. Still plenty time to get a few more in.

01 Aug 2017 17:52:46
Agree with that des. Remember this time round we have a very good manager, better than most out of the teams outside top 6. We also have a lot more spirit and togetherness imo. A much more balanced squad. Still ant a proven goal scorer, creativ mid, LB and GK.

01 Aug 2017 18:46:19
Reads sensible Des but think we are just noy strong or aggressive enough scoring goals will be difficult.

29 Jul 2017 15:46:28
First half nothing Dummet is not a LB he was abysmal for their first goal and again & they should have had a 2nd
Mainz should be 4-0 up
De Jong knocking tbe ball around seems he will be Rafa's cover for Shelvey

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29 Jul 2017 18:00:11
2nd half better and a good workout against a better and fitter team
Atsu excellent Shelvey class but Perez even after all the endeavour has no end product and he Diame Colback have no place in the PL
A LB Strong DMF and A Striker essential.

28 Jul 2017 07:28:29
No Samaris Merinio yhe cheaper option is our new DMF

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28 Jul 2017 18:43:24
Better option.

28 Jul 2017 19:33:33
Certainly would not say that, he was brought in not because he is better but cost a lot lot less.
He is OK and will do OK but Samaris is better.

29 Jul 2017 00:00:44
Still trying to sign Samaris apparently BUT no one knows with different reports everyday

Its like a Magical Mystery Tour.

29 Jul 2017 13:45:03
Highly rated at dortmund, 6m obligation to buy could be a bargain come the end of the season.

27 Jul 2017 18:21:54
The alleged striker that is Riviere . is apparently on the move,!

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27 Jul 2017 08:00:17
Chronicle suggesting we are in for Adrian and darlow going the other way? Can't see the point in that, like for like both decent keeper's. But not top class.

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26 Jul 2017 21:45:02
Much better, jtoon. Would anyone give woodman the no1 jersey?

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27 Jul 2017 17:39:13
Too early mate.

26 Jul 2017 21:08:10
Much better tonight don't you think art.

Lejeune looking very good

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26 Jul 2017 22:36:35
Yes better for sure,
If we do not sign the players we are crying out for we will not make a dent in the PL
New lads are for me all good and with the few we already have we are for me 3 Quality players short LB Striker Strong DMF and yes Quality keeper for Woody and Darlow to learn from tgat 8s 4 Oh and cover for Shelvey who was excellent tonight

So yes better tonight but still a lot of work to do but Perez Diame Colback are wishy washy and not up to it with De Jong still some way to go
Happier fans tonight.

26 Jul 2017 22:37:26
Not yet Plunjar but soon for sure.

27 Jul 2017 02:45:58
Sure JT good game some promising performances but agree we still need a few players.
Looks like Samaris could be along soon.

27 Jul 2017 02:49:43
Punjy Woodman could be another Smicheal, when you are ready you are ready and this lad is not far away.

27 Jul 2017 17:40:43
Find it weird that we seem to be going for 2 defensive mids in Merino and Samaris or Mccarthy, mind you merino is decent going forward and is known as a "ball playing" mid.

27 Jul 2017 18:08:36
Just like the wingers we either have too many or not enough
Some way to go yet in this window.

28 Jul 2017 06:22:38
Can never complain at too much depth. Look what we've done in the past when we've settled because we think we have enough depth in that position when really it just wasn't good enough. Colback was awful last year, makes sense to replace him. If we're going in for another DM, must mean that there's still plenty of money in the bank for a striker left back number 10 and GK. Gibson moving on for 6m (ridiculous money) clearly freed up space and now rivière on the move. Making leeway for new signings, Rafa sounded quite happy last night at nine bar and from what it sounds like the main problems have been is that no ones wants the likes of Saivet Krul Lazaar atm which is who we need to move out in order to make new signings.

28 Jul 2017 19:31:10
Net spend 18m Plenty of money there should be.

There are players needed and everyone including R Benny knows that.
Dummet is OK but a quality LB is required as is a ball playing hard tackling DMF and of course the Striker situ sorted out.

Ignoring these it could be a long road to even keep pace with teams people say are inferior to Newcastle.

Shelvey when out we never functioned, so a priority of a cover decent play maker is also essential.

29 Jul 2017 00:02:56
Still some work to do but we still have a few duffers we need move on.

26 Jul 2017 17:07:37
Here we go lads, Mikel Merino, 21, Spanish defensive midfielder for borussia dortmund on Tyneside for a medical ahead of apparent permanent move (according to papers) who chose us ahead of Bilbao.

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26 Jul 2017 17:54:32
Correction: season loan with obligation to buy at the end. Either means we're broke or saving money for bigger signings.

26 Jul 2017 18:31:47
We're not broke. I'm expecting a big money move for a striker.

26 Jul 2017 12:23:17
Man city £200m+. Financial fair play?

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26 Jul 2017 17:06:10
Pretty sure it's irrelevant with the amount of tv money nowadays.

25 Jul 2017 11:06:14
Mitrovic can go for £17m. New £16m striker lined up. Who could it be?

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25 Jul 2017 16:38:50
Pick from 5 we have been linked with then choose the cheapest.

25 Jul 2017 17:35:19
I personally would rather see mitrovic stay. I definitely think there is a 15 goal a season striker somewhere in there. If anyone can bring it out, surely rafa can?

25 Jul 2017 22:13:15
Yes you would think so.

25 Jul 2017 10:22:14
Ashley & charnley supposedly both doing the transfer negotiations well if ashley is involved he'll be penny pinching probably holding up recruitment drive he just won't learn I kno we have to shift players out but come on two new strikers another center mid and left back and prob another right back yedlin can't stop crosses and another winger at least two more in before season starts I think them we might have good transfer deadline day on sky

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25 Jul 2017 13:26:29
When the prices double you mean and we have lost 3 games and are desperate so clubs hike the prices just like we did with Carroll
We need a LB of quality.

18 Jul 2017 16:17:18
Manquillo's next through the door. Fresh start for him let's see if rafa can work his magic on him like he did with clark and yedlin. 5 more signings left to be made.

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18 Jul 2017 16:17:18
Manquillo's next through the door. Fresh start for him let's see if rafa can work his magic on him like he did with clark and yedlin. 5 more signings left to be made.

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17 Jul 2017 17:09:04
Finally another breakthrough at NUFC. Jacob Murphy flying to Dublin with rest of squad after £12.5million bid accepted.

Young, hungry and fast wingers very much needed in the prem. Very pleased. Striker, holding mid, left back and a number 10 needed along with possibly a goalkeeper.

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17 Jul 2017 23:10:08
Charnley and Justin Barnes, Mork and Mindy negotiators my bottom

Yes another 4 players of quality at least needed, to have any chance.
But the ball is rolling
Next Please!

18 Jul 2017 09:29:04
For sure out of the 150 names
4 decent signings if Manguillo and Murphy sign
But we were never going to spend 20m on one player
DMF Striker and cover 4 Shelvey vital.

18 Jul 2017 10:59:33
Add a left back that's competent at going forward and back there art.

Not sure about Manquillo, he's done sweet FA last 3 years, although age is on his side. Perhaps rafa thinks he can get something out of him, like dare I say ciaran clark?

18 Jul 2017 11:01:14
Don't want us to break our transfer record just for the sake of it art. Has to be the right player we need that is actually within a reasonable asking price.

18 Jul 2017 18:24:36
When the widow closes say your piece because you will know then.

It is plain to see Rafa knows there are limits, yet the players so far will do for me and a Striker and Strong DMF along with a few others will surfice and we can attack mid table.

Rafa knows what he is doing doesn't he? I hope!

18 Jul 2017 22:55:40
You like the players we've bought in so far art?

19 Jul 2017 12:08:46
Not that different to the year we bought de jong. Bargain basement buys that we were all trying to be positive about. I seem to recall me commeting that the Facundo bloke looked a decent player! And Rivierre was the next Thierry Henry. We are mugs. Although Jacob Murphy looks a better player than Townsend so I think that could be a good bit of business by Rafa.

19 Jul 2017 12:13:22
Yes JT tgey are good and will ptove to be good signings
I think Rafa is beginning to stir and perhaps another 4 players will appear soon.

19 Jul 2017 13:59:24
Des Rafa states we have to manage from what we have to spend and he accepts that, I think we also have to because Ashley will not provide any pesonal funds, and yes we are going to be looking to survive at best for the first season.

But then with a windfall from doing that, providing fatso allows him Rafa will step up.

So it is a waiting game for us fans I'm afaid and some embarresing times, but there is still time for us to bring in 4 Quality players.


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